Combining sports and naturism
Whoever says naturism also says harmony with the environment, with others, and themselves. Naturism may thus go hand in hand with sports perfectly! Which physical activity suits you best? What are the benefits of doing sports naked? Quickly discover this new article to learn more.

A toned up body, a calm mind
Sport has numerous benefits for our physical and mental health, which have been known and recognized for a long time. For any naturist seeking personal fulfilment, sport can become your ally. Combining sports and naturism is:
- Liberating: with the body free from the hindrance of clothing, movements are easier – swimming without swimwear, what a delight! Naturally the mind in turn becomes free.
- Healthy: experiencing and consequently playing sports naked, enables the body to become more resistant, both to climate variations and illnesses.
- Hygiene: sweat quickly evaporates rather than being converted into humidity and unpleasant smells.

Sports and naturism, history to the present day
Playing sports naked was already taking place during antiquity: Greek athletes trained entirely naked. Nowadays, “Randonue” (naked hiking) and naked yoga are growing in popularity in the world of naturism and official initiatives are increasing. Here are some examples:
- In 2016 the first naturist Olympic games took place in Brazil.
- The World Naked Bike Ride is a pacifist naturist cycling event against our dependence on cars and oil. It also advocates the beauty and individuality of the human body, embodied in the fragility of cyclists in traffic.

Time for yourself
Whether alone or in a group, every naturist has their way of playing sports. Individual sports will be the chance for you to have a moment of relaxation just for you, to let off steam, meditate, be aware of your body and the surroundings. Running, yoga, swimming, archery, golf. Many activities can also take place in this idyllic natural setting. A wonderful chance to recharge your batteries, reconnect with yourself. Another way to be a naturist.

Team spirit
Staying on a naturist campsite is the chance to discover and practice numerous team sports: beach volleyball, football, basketball, etc. Motivation, laughs and encounters are on all on the agenda, as naturism is an integral part of sharing! Group naturist hikes enable you to combine sport, breathtaking views and discovery of the local flora and fauna.

Sports and naturism: precautions to take
Combining naturism and sports is possible, provided certain safety and hygiene rules are followed.
- The towel is the naturist’s best friend! This is why you should always take it with you when you play sports.
- Remember to protect all of your skin from the sun’s rays when playing outside.
- Some sports may require you to wear protection, therefore take care!
Lastly, we hope you’ve enjoyed this article and we’re on hand for you if you have any questions.
See you very soon for a naturist and…sports stay!